The Man of My Dreams Read online

Page 11

  Daniel turned the corner to his apartment and parked his car. He stared out into the night. “Fuck.” He slammed his hands against the steering wheel. He wanted to be a better man for Elena, to show her that he was sorry for what he had done. He just didn’t know how. All he knew growing up was hate. Hate from his father’s drunken fist and from a mother he barely knew who had left him to be abused by the one man who was supposed to protect him. He had learned to build up a wall to protect himself and never let anyone get too close to him—until Elena.

  He didn’t want to fight her anymore, he couldn’t. He wanted her in every aspect of his life, in every waking moment. Daniel had teased her about destiny, but deep down inside, he believed destiny had brought them back together. He had lost her once before when he sent her away, and he had resigned himself to never seeing her again, wishing that she would find the happiness and love she was looking for in her life. But life had dealt him a new hand, and he would not let her slip through his fingers again. This time the only barriers between them were the ones he had placed so many years ago—barriers that had grown stronger with resentment and hate for what he had done. Barriers he still held within himself and always made him sabotage anything good in his life. But for once he wanted something good in his life—he wanted her.

  Daniel walked around the new Cessna, performing a pre-flight inspection. A new schedule had been posted that morning with his old shift back on it. The new pilot must be starting today, he thought. No more teaching for him. In fact, the new schedule promised him more time away. He was sure Elena had played a role in that as well but being away from her for that long wouldn’t help his plans of winning her over.

  “So, it looks like your teaching days are over for now?” John tapped the side of the airplane. “Nice and shiny, this one.”

  “Yup, heading out to Denver to take her to her new owner. Then flying to Miami for a pickup and drop off in Los Angeles.”

  John chuckled. “Well, looks like you’ll be real busy all right. I’m going miss you around here, son. You did a good job teaching.”

  “Thanks, John, but I don’t think teaching is my thing. And I’m sure you’ll be happy to have Troy back on.”

  “Didn’t you hear? Troy got a new job offer. Today was his first day. So it looks like I’ll be back to teaching for a while until the new pilot can share some of the load. By the way, I need you to start showing him around. He is with Elena right now filling out some paperwork.”

  “Before you leave, do you mind if I ask you a question?” If anyone could steer Daniel in the right direction toward Elena, it would be John.

  John raised his brow. Daniel knew the old man loved when he was able to impart some knowledge. It made him feel like he was leaving his footprint behind. “Sure son…what’s your question?”

  “How would one go about winning a girl back when there is some bad blood between you?”

  John studied him carefully. “Is this about Elena?”

  “How did you know?”

  “Son, I’ve been around this world for almost seventy years, and I can see the way you look at her. But don’t worry, I don’t think anyone else knows.” He tapped his head. “They’re not as smart as me.” He laughed.

  “Well, that’s a relief,” Daniel said.

  John reached over for a stool to sit on. “So, how did you screw it up?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “With Elena, how did you screw it up.”

  Daniel’s shoulders slumped. “It’s a long story.”

  “Aren’t they all? Did you know that my Martha left me for six months after twenty years of marriage?”

  Daniel’s ears perked up. “Really?” He couldn’t imagine John doing something capable of making his wife want to leave. He had seen the both of them together, and they were the image of what anyone would want in a lifelong marriage. But he guessed every relationship came with its ups and downs. He just hoped one day he would have an up and not so many downs.

  “Yup, she had my suitcase waiting for me at the door. Said she had had enough of me and unless something changed between us, it was over. I went and crashed at my friend’s house, and I will give you the same advice he gave me. He told me to shut up and listen—to listen to her and support her in the small and big things. You see, I was under the misconception that my job as a husband was to bring home the bacon. That was how I showed my love to her; meanwhile, she was in charge of everything else, and in between raising a family, we forgot about ourselves. I know that this doesn’t apply to you and Elena because you two aren’t married, but the same rules apply. Just shut up and listen. You have to learn what she likes and dislikes. What are her core values and dreams and do you share those? Nowadays with the Internet and all this Facebook and texting bull crap, we have forgotten the beauty of talking face to face. If you want her to start seeing you in a different light, then you have to move to a different spot where the light shines a little better. And hell, just say I’m sorry for whatever the hell it was you did. And if you truly want to win her back, don’t give up. Let her know that you are willing to fight for her. No one wants a quitter.”

  “Thanks, John. I appreciate the honest advice.”

  John got up from the stool, struggling a bit in the process. “You know I don’t envy you young ones. Everything seems so much more complicated now. Back then, things were simpler,” he grumbled.

  Daniel couldn’t ever remember a time in his life when things hadn’t been complicated, and he welcomed any form of simplicity in his life. “I agree.”

  John patted him on his back. “You’ll do fine. I think she has a thing for you too.”

  “How can you tell?” Daniel asked with a hint of hope in his voice. What did John see that Daniel hadn’t? Could Elena possibly have feelings for him?

  John chuckled. “She gets all fidgety when you’re around. Open your eyes, son. There is no one blinder than one who just refuses to see.” He left the hangar with a whistle on his lips.

  Daniel thought about what John had told him. He had to change the way Elena perceived him. She thought he was a selfish, conceited ass who cared about no one. And while there was some truth behind it, he had been trying to change. But to do so, he needed to make some changes in his life. He had too much personal baggage welled up inside that sometimes he felt like he was a volcano about to erupt. He had never been able to keep a relationship. As soon as someone tried to get close to him, he would cut them off, not wanting to deal with the hassle of investing time in someone if he knew it was doomed never to work out. But he felt different with Elena. Even though she hated his guts and he had no idea if she would ever come to care for him, for some reason, he was willing to try. But he knew he had to get things in order with his life first. He knew he had to learn to forgive if he wanted Elena to forgive him.

  Daniel reached into his wallet and stared at the piece of paper and phone number that had been haunting him for months now. He reached into his pocket and grabbed his cell phone. He dialed the number and put the phone up to his ear. As the phone started to ring, the uncertainty of what was going to happen when he heard her voice made him feel sick. Before he could hang up the phone, someone answered.

  “Hello,” said the women’s voice on the other side of the phone.

  “Is this Mrs. Joana Hamilton?” Daniel had changed his last name when he was adopted and saying his former last name felt almost foreign.

  “No, this is her daughter Claire. My mother died last year. Who am I speaking with?”

  Daniel’s heart dropped.

  He stood there alone with anger and resentment building a wall inside of him.

  A life of wondering if he would ever hear his mother’s voice again or feel her embrace crumbled to pieces. The little boy in him wanted to curl up in a ball and cry over the loss of the one person who was supposed to love him the most in this world, but the man in him, the one who had endured so much hate and bitterness, refused to have it affect him any longer—it was over now. “
I’m sorry to have bothered you; I’m an old acquaintance.”

  “How did you know my mother?” she pressed.

  The sound of the woman’s voice on the other side of the phone sounded so familiar. For a moment, he wondered if she looked like her. How had her upbringing been? Had his mother remarried? Had she been happy? Did she ever look for him or miss him? He had so many questions that would always go unanswered, and despite the love his adopted mother had tried to give him, he always wondered why his own mother had never loved him enough to take him with her. “She used to take care of me when I was young.”

  “You must be the boy from the picture,” she said coming to a sudden realization.

  “Pardon me?”

  “My mother, she always kept a picture in her purse of her when she was younger, and she was holding the hand of a little boy. She said his name was Daniel.”

  Daniel held back the emotion building up inside him. “She kept a picture of me?” his voice broke.

  “Yes. In fact, before she died, she told me to find you and deliver a letter she left for you. It looks like God must be granting her last wish because you’ve found me instead.” A sigh of relief echoed on the other side of the phone.

  Daniel’s resolve crumbled, and small tears escaped his eyes. She hadn’t forgotten about him. “Did she have a happy life?”

  The woman’s voice became somber. “She had moments of happiness, but sadness seemed to cloud her life at times.”

  The news didn’t make Daniel happy. It pained him that his mother had never been able to find her happiness. It looked like his family had been destined to live a loveless life in doom. “I’m very sorry to hear that.”

  “Thank you. I just hope that she has now found some peace. She would have been delighted to have been able to find you. But at least I can deliver on her wish.”

  Daniel was happy as well. It wasn’t what he had been looking for, but it brought him some peace of mind to know she hadn’t erased him from her life. He didn’t have the heart to tell his newly-found sister he was her brother and that their mother had left him when he was a young child. He would save her from that; whatever image she had of their mother, he would not taint her memory with the brutality of his past. He did, however, give her his mailing address where she could mail the letter his mother wanted him to have. He wondered what she had written him and realized these would be the last words he would ever have from her.

  Chapter 15

  “So, how long have you been in Washington?” the handsome new pilot asked Elena in his charming Spanish accent.

  Elena couldn’t help but stare at him like a dumbstruck fool. His dark brown hair, olive skin, and hazel eyes were doing wonders for her. “I’ve been here for about two months now. I was in the military before that and traveled a lot.”

  “But someone so beautiful like you must have some Spanish roots somewhere?”

  Elena felt the blood rush to her cheeks. This guy was good. She smiled, flattered by his compliment and good taste. “My mother is Puerto Rican from New York, and my father was Venezuelan.”

  He nodded. “Ah, double the beauty then.” He leaned back in the chair across from her desk and flashed a charming smile, showcasing his perfectly straight white teeth.

  Elena saw Daniel walking down the hallway toward her desk. Elena fidgeted with her hair. “And where are you from?” She was surprised at how natural flirting with him came.


  A sexy Argentinian to brighten her day. The way he rolled his Rs made her wonder what else he could do with his tongue. “And what in the world brings you to Washington?”

  He stared at her, his gaze piercing into hers. “El destino.” Fate.

  Elena’s stomach made a small flip of joy. Could he be the one? She knew she was crazy to think such a thing because she had just met the man thirty minutes ago, but there was something about him that was screaming at her. Her excitement, however, was interrupted by Daniel’s untimely arrival.

  “Sorry to interrupt this little get-together, but I’m here to pick up Alex to show him around.”

  Alex stood and extended his hand to greet him. Daniel looked at Alex and hesitated before shaking his hand in return. “I’m assuming you’re done here,” Daniel said, looking at Elena.

  Elena’s eyes narrowed for a moment, and she could have sworn he sounded like the old Captain Grant with his sense of authority and disdain. “Yes, we are done here,” Elena replied evenly.

  “Good.” Daniel turned toward Alex. “Are you ready then?”

  “Yes, of course.” Before they left, Alex turned and winked at Elena. “Hasta luego.” It was a promise he would be back. A promise Elena would hold him to.

  Daniel stared daggers at her. The last time she had seen him this angry was when they had been at the club back in her military days when she was foolish enough to try to impress Steven. But enough about him, she wouldn’t let Daniel’s sour mood ruin hers. She was elated and couldn’t believe her good luck. Could it be her future husband had been delivered to her lap? She swung around in her chair with joy. She felt as giddy as a teenage girl. She reached for her cell phone and sent Kat a message.

  ELENA: We have to get together…I think I just met the one:)

  Before Elena could put her phone away, it vibrated with a message.

  KAT: What? I thought you had met the man of your dreams…that Daniel guy.

  Elena wrinkled her nose. Daniel? What in the world would possess Kat to think Daniel was the man of her dreams?

  ELENA: No, you must be confused. Daniel is my archenemy.

  KAT: Okay, if you say so.

  What game was Kat playing? Hadn’t she heard all the things Daniel had put her through? Since her last meeting with Daniel, she was so confused about what he had said, and she had meant to talk to him, but she hadn’t had any time this morning, and then her Argentinian prince had arrived. Her phone vibrated again.

  KAT: Meet for lunch?

  Elena checked her schedule to make sure she was free.

  ELENA: Yes, let’s meet at noon.

  Elena was sure she would hear a lot of unwanted advice from Kat, but that was okay. She always loved talking to her and getting her friend’s perspective in her love life or lack thereof. Meanwhile, she wanted to meet with John and propose a new idea for the company, hoping it would help her land the marketing position. She got up from her desk and walked over to his office. “Excuse me, John, can I have a couple of minutes of your time?”

  John looked up from his computer. “Sure, come on in.”

  Elena took a seat across from his desk. “I have some ideas for the company that I wanted to share with you.”

  John’s eyes lit up at the prospect of improving the business.

  “I would like to propose we increase our online presence.” Elena looked at John to see if he was following, but from the look on his face, he had no idea what she was talking about. “I think we should restructure the company’s website and expand it beyond one page.” Elena pulled out a power point presentation she had made. “You see, I can develop additional pages that show in detail all the different services we provide and the different departments. Most prospective clients like to find all the information they need from a website before they to decide to invest any time in making a phone call to pursue their business.” Elena checked John’s facial expression to make sure he was following. The grin on his face confirmed he liked what he was looking at. “also, there are many other free sites where we can publish our business and have our previous and current customers post reviews about us.”

  John nodded in agreement. “I like it. This is good.”

  Elena was excited with how it was going so far, so she decided to push a little further. “I also wanted to propose some new ventures for your company.”

  John looked hesitant. Maybe this was too much change at once for him to handle, but Elena was prepared to pitch her idea. “You see, every year the federal government allocates a certain perce
ntage of contract awards to a small business like yours.”

  This perked Mr. Wilbur’s interest. “I’m listening.”

  “We can compete with other small business in the area to win some of those contracts. For example, some of the military bases may be looking for a contractor to perform engine overhaul services for them instead of having military personnel do it. Although you may not have the personnel for it now, you could hire the experts you need for that contract.”

  “I like that, but how would we even know where to start?” he asked looking doubtful.

  This is where Elena came in; she could score the marketing position. “Well, that’s when your marketing or contract specialist would come in and learn all the ins and outs of it. They would work across different products and business development projects.”

  “I’ll have to think about it, but I like the idea of expanding to work with the federal government.”

  “Great. I do have one more proposal that is more doable for the near future.”

  John took a sip of his black coffee. “Shoot.”

  “Skydiving,” Elena blurted out. “It would be something fun to offer to our local customers.”

  John scratched his beard. “Skydiving lessons, eh?”

  “Yes, there is a company in Seattle that is going out of business and is selling their sky diving equipment at a fraction of the cost. We already have the airplanes to do it with.” Elena was sitting on the edge of the chair waiting for his answer.

  “Hmm, I think this may be doable. At a fraction of the cost, you say?”

  “Yes. Here are the numbers.” Elena showed him a spreadsheet she had prepared with all the costs and tentative revenue.

  John evaluated the numbers carefully. “But how do we know there is a demand for it in the area?”

  “I took the liberty to conduct an online survey to gauge the interest of the public in these types of activities, and it turned out Washington people like to take risks.” Elena handed over the graphs with the results of the survey.