The Man of My Dreams Page 19
“Yes, you must be Elena, please take a seat.”
Elena’s heart was beating wildly; this was her chance to follow her dreams, and she couldn’t screw it up. “I’m so sorry I’m late, Seattle traffic is a nightmare.”
“No worries. I’m glad you decided to meet with me. As I said over the phone, I have read your manuscript, and I think it is brilliant. We are interested in taking you on and publishing your book.”
Elena couldn’t contain the joy of what was unfolding in front of her. “Really?” she asked like a giggly teenager.
“Yes, really,” Chloe said smiling back.
After discussing the terms of the contract, Elena got up from the table with a deal in her hands. “Just out of curiosity, how did you get my manuscript?” After looking through all her emails, Elena had not been able to see any queries she had made to that agency.
“Let’s just say you have a very good friend who handed me your manuscript over a month ago when I was in town for a conference.”
Elena was sure Kat would have told her about handing her script over to an editor, but she hadn’t said a word to her. “Was this the conference held in Bellevue?”
“Yes, that’s the one.”
Daniel, Elena thought. He must have found her manuscript when she left it at the podium during the class she was attempting to teach. Even now when he wasn’t part of her life, he was still coming to her rescue.
Elena left the restaurant with a smile on her face and a contract in her hand. She got into her car and reached for her phone to call her mom and give her the good news. She started dialing her number when a message from Kat came through. Elena clicked to open it.
Chapter 24
Elena sat in the waiting room of Flying4You. She had been driving for two days to get to southern California to find Daniel. Her first instinct had been to take the first flight out of Seattle, but instead, she opted to drive to gather her thoughts and build up the courage she needed to win him back. When she found out Daniel had started his own non-profit skydiving business dedicated to low-income families and foster children, she knew what she had to do.
“Mrs. Reynolds, ma’am?”
Elena looked up to the young man talking to her. She had forgotten she had made the appointment under a false name. She was afraid if Daniel knew it was her, he would refuse to see her. “Yes, that’s me.”
“We are ready for you.”
Elena got up and followed the young man to the back of the building. She sat down in a small classroom where she changed into her jumpsuit and was shown a safety video. She filled out several documents releasing the business of any liability were something to happen to her that was beyond their control. Elena took a deep breath as she signed her name on the dotted line—she was willing to risk it all to get him back.
The young man came back in and gathered the documents she had laid on the desk. “Your instructor will be with you shortly. Is there anything I can get for you while you wait?”
Elena smiled. “How about a little bit of courage?”
He laughed. “It’s natural to be nervous. All our instructors are very good, but you’re in luck today. The owner of the company will be diving with you today.”
Elena had made sure of that. Part of her condition when she made her donation was to ensure Daniel would be the one to jump with her.
“Have fun out there,” the young man said as he left.
Elena got up from her seat and started pacing the room. She took several deep breaths trying to calm herself down. Her mind was a crazy mixture of hope and fear. What if he had moved on and was with someone else now? What if she panicked again and wasn’t able to go through with it?
Elena turned and found Daniel standing at the door. They stared at each other across a sudden ringing silence. The beginning of a smile tipped the corners of her mouth. She had forgotten how incredibly handsome he was. Her heart jolted, and her pulse pounded at the sheer the sight of him.
“You’re Mrs. Reynolds?” he said smoothly with no expression on his face.
She shrugged her shoulders. “Guilty as charged,” she said. Please don’t turn me away.
Daniel lounged casually against the doorframe. His blue staring hard at her. “What are you doing here, Elena?”
This was the moment Elena had prepared for the last two days on the road. “I remember someone once telling me that they would be there for me when I was ready to face my fears.”
Daniel studied her carefully for a moment before replying. “And are you ready to face your fears Elena?”
His question was a stab at her heart and meant so much more than her simple phobia of heights. Her pride and stubbornness had ruled most of her life and had been the shield she used to protect herself from getting hurt, but not anymore. Today, she would surrender herself to the man who had managed to capture her heart. “I’m ready to take a leap of faith.”
The smile in his eyes brought relief to Elena’s heart. “Let’s go then,” he said.
Elena followed Daniel in silence to the runway. You can do this. She coached herself. Once they reached the door to the plane, Daniel turned around to check her gear one last time. “Do you remember everything from the last time?” he asked.
“Yes,” she replied in a small voice. Her hands clenched stiffly at her sides to prevent them from shaking.
He adjusted the straps of her harness. “You know you didn’t have to pay five thousand dollars to jump off a plane,” he teased her.
Elena had taken her first book advance and donated the entire amount to Daniel’s business. “It’s for a good cause,” she said.
Daniel grinned. “Well, on behalf of everyone at Flying4You, thank you for your generosity,” he said. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”
Elena had no doubt in her mind this was something she needed to do. “Absolutely.”
They both climbed into the plane and Daniel hooked her up to his harness just as he had done before. She sat on his lap waiting for them to reach the required altitude before they could jump out of the plane. She closed her eyes, trying to think of positive thoughts to calm her nerves. She felt a strong hand cover hers, and her eyes flew open. She looked down, and Daniel’s strong fingers were interlaced with hers.
“I got you,” he said, repeating the same promise he had given the first time.
Elena always knew she would be safe with Daniel. She squeezed his hand in return. “I know,” she said.
Daniel checked his watch. “It’s time.”
Elena’s heart pounded as the door opened, filling the cabin with a strong gush of wind. Ready or not, here I go. Daniel carefully maneuvered her into the doorway. Elena dangled her legs out of the plane and crossed her hands over her chest like he had taught her. Daniel knelt behind her and pressed against her back. Elena looked out into the beautiful sky before her with fluffy clouds beneath them and the horizon that seemed to go on forever. She let the magnificence of the scenery envelop her and inhaled deeply, filling her lungs with air. She laid her head against Daniel’s shoulder.
“READY—” Daniel yelled over the strong wind that threatened to yank them out of the plane. “SET—GO.”
Without thinking twice, Elena made the leap of faith with Daniel strapped to her back. She let go of the chains of fear that had enslaved her decisions in life and instead embraced the intoxicating freedom of leaving all her worries behind.
As they fell through the sky, Daniel grabbed her crossed arms and spread them out like wings—a true symbol of finally letting go. Nothing had prepared Elena for the euphoric sensation of the sky running through her fingers like cotton candy. For the first time in her life, she was able to see the world through different eyes. For once in her life, she wasn’t scared. The wind was so strong as they glided she had a permanent smile plastered on her face. She looked down toward land, and everything seemed like pieces of a puzzle as they flew in the sky.
nce they reached two thousand five hundred feet, Daniel deployed the parachute. The force of the parachute slowed their descent as they steered toward the landing zone. He unhooked the lower hooks, and she felt more comfortable as they slowly glided in the sky together.
“Are you okay?” Daniel yelled over the loud noise of the wind.
“I love it,” Elena yelled back, thrilled at the experience.
As they approached the landing zone, Daniel tapped her thigh. “Lift your legs.” Elena tried to lift her legs at a ninety-degree angle like Daniel had shown her, but it wasn’t as easy as it seemed, especially when her core muscles weren’t as strong as they should be. When they hit the ground, they both tumbled a bit, but Daniel held her tight making sure she didn’t fall.
When they finally stopped, Daniel unhooked Elena from his harness. “You okay?” Daniel asked with a smile on his face.
“HOLY SHIT, I DID IT!” Elena yelled. She took off her helmet and started jumping all over the field in joy. “I DID IT!”
“You did it,” he answered grinning from ear to ear.
She ran toward him, and he welcomed her with a hug. He picked her up and swung her off her feet, celebrating in her great achievement. They had both done it together. Daniel had kept his promise to keep Elena safe, and Elena learned that she could conquer her fears and trust him. Tears of joy ran down her cheeks as she laughed and cried. Her face was pressed against Daniel’s neck; his scent felt so familiar to her—she had finally found home.
He gently put her back down on the ground, his arms still wrapped around her waist. “Elena, I meant what I said in Vegas. For me, nothing has changed.”
A cry of relief broke from her lips. “I should have never let you go,” she said. “I know there have been many things that have kept us apart, but despite life’s ups and downs, destiny has always found a way to bring us back together.”
“So, you do believe in destiny?” he teased.
Elena couldn’t believe how blind she had been. Life had answered her prayers years ago, but she had been too stubborn to accept what was right in front of her. “I believe you are my destiny,” she finally admitted after all these years.
Daniel stared at her, complete surprise on his face. He smiled, and his large hands grabbed her face and held her gently. “Elena, I love you.”
Those words were her undoing and the walls she had built up over so many years to block him out of her life and out of her heart came crashing down. “I love you too,” she said.
Daniel’s mouth came crashing down, possessing her lips with hunger. She returned his kiss with reckless abandon. His tongue sent shivers of desire racing through her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him even closer, not able to get enough of him. He picked her up, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Raising his mouth from hers, he gazed into her eyes. “I’ve waited for you all my life,” Daniel whispered.
“I’ve written about you all of mine,” Elena confessed.
Chapter 25
It was a perfect day for a wedding; the skies were clear, and on the horizon, the beautiful Cascade Mountains majestically peaked, amplifying the beauty of the union that was about to happen. They were surrounded by family and friends to celebrate the newly found love of two individuals who couldn’t deserve each other more. Elena stood by the altar and stared across the aisle at Daniel, who looked as handsome as ever in his tuxedo. If someone had told her eight years ago that she would be standing here with him, she would have thought they were crazy; instead, she felt like the happiest woman in the world.
Elena looked at the priest as he performed the sacred rituals of the ceremony.
“Dearly beloveds and honored guests, we are gathered here this day in the sight of God, and the company assembled to witness the giving and receiving of the marriage vows. Marriage is an institution ordained by God and is not to be entered into lightly or in jest and only after much consideration.” The priest turned to the groom. “Do you, Jacob Nicholson, take Bridget Lewis to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?”
Jacob looked at Bridget, and his eyes whispered promises of eternal love and commitment. “I do.”
“And do you, Bridget Lewis, take Jacob Nicholson to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?”
Bridget was fighting back the tears of joy as she stared into Jacob’s eyes. “I do.”
“If there be anyone present who may show just and lawful cause why this couple may not be legally wed, let him speak now or forever hold his peace.” After a brief pause, the priest turned to Daniel, who handed Jacob the wedding ring.
“By the authority vested in me by the State of Washington, I now pronounce you husband and wife, and what God hath joined together, let no man or woman put asunder.”
The guests erupted in cheers as the bride and groom kissed as a married couple for the very first time. Elena was beyond happy that Jacob and Bridget had found each other and she wished them the happiest life.
The bride and groom proceeded down the aisle and Elena and Daniel, as the maid of honor and best man, followed behind them. “I knew you would meet me at the altar one way or another,” he joked lovingly as she put her arm through his.
She jabbed him in the ribs. “Don’t push your luck,” she said, smiling into his eyes.
They reached the outside of the church and Daniel helped Elena into the car. “I refuse to let my child be born out of wedlock,” he said with a hint of seriousness and placing his hand protectively over her very pregnant nine-month belly.
“Can we just enjoy the night? This might be the last time we get to dance and have fun before the baby comes.”
Daniel leaned in and kissed her on the forehead. “Of course.”
The reception was held in the charming town of Port Townsend. The event was a private gathering of the bride and groom’s closet family and friends. The ambiance was enchanting with sparkling white Christmas lights hanging from the ceiling over the dance floor and floating candles with purple orchid flowers for the table centerpieces. Elena refused to let her swollen feet and ankles stop her from dancing at her friend’s wedding and enjoying this wonderful moment. Daniel held on to her, and they both danced to the slow song playing in the background. “You look stunning tonight,” Daniel said.
“You’re a terrible liar,” Elena teased him. She had had a hell of a time trying to find a maid of honor’s dress that didn’t make her look like a tent.
“You are going to be the mother of my child, and to me, that makes you beautiful beyond the stars.” He turned her slowly and brought her back to his arms. “Marry me,” he insisted.
Elena had wanted to say yes so many times, but she refused to get married just because he had gotten her pregnant. She loved him, she did not doubt that, but she was afraid his proposal only came because of the news of the baby. “No,” she said for the twentieth time since she had told him she was pregnant.
“Stubborn wench.” He smiled
The song ended, and they started walking back to their table. Elena was starting to feel uncomfortable and wondered if she should have stayed in her seat instead of dancing. She had been feeling the baby drop these last couple of days, and the pressure on her pelvis was making it more difficult to get around. She took a deep breath as pain seared through her stomach.
“Are you okay?” Daniel asked, concerned.
“Yes, I just need a moment.” Elena paused for a brief second. She walked a couple more steps and then froze. She looked down at the floor and saw a puddle of water beneath her feet. “Daniel, we have to go,” she said with urgency.
“Huh?” Daniel turned around, and his gaze traveled to the floor. “Oh shit, it’s time.” Daniel held on to her and got her into the car as fast as possible, and they headed
to the hospital.
After twelve hours of labor, Daniela Nicole Grant was welcomed into the world. Elena held her baby girl in her arms and admired the beauty of her newly found love—a love so great that not time or distance could ever diminish it. Daniel came back into the room holding a dozen roses for Elena and a white teddy bear for his baby daughter. He slid next to Elena in the bed. “My beautiful girls.” He leaned in and kissed Elena. “Thank you for giving me the most wonderful gift in the world.”
Elena looked at her baby girl and then at Daniel. “You’re welcome.”
Daniel stood up from the bed and got down on one knee. “Will you please honor me one more time by becoming the better part of me? You have been the light of my eyes and have shown me what it means to be wanted and loved in this world. You’ve blessed me beyond words and have given me the greatest joy of my life, and I would be humbled if you would become my wife.”
Elena held on to little Daniela and watched as the man she adored proclaimed his love to her. Although she had said no so many times before, she knew he would always be the only one for her heart. After all, he had become the man of her dreams.
“Yes, I’ll marry you.”
About the Author
Stephanie Aviles is a contemporary romance author and the the creator of “The Inside Voice” a journey into self-publishing. She is a United States Air Force Veteran, and loves using her experience in the military to deliver strong and sexy characters her readers are bound to fall in love with.
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